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Welcome to Keystone

Welcome to the official Keystone Documentation.

What's Keystone?

Keystone is a fully containerized lightweight SCIM 2.0 API implementation. Whether you're using one of the prominent cloud identity managers such as Azure Active Directory, Okta, Auth0, etc., or another identity provider that supports automatic provisioning with SCIM 2.0, you can use Keystone to quickly store the state of directory in a data store.

High level diagram

Supported Data Store

As Keystone is an entirely stateless workload, it expects you to bring your own storage layer, and it'll take care of the nitty-gritty details, such as schema and tables creation. All you have to do is provision a supported data store in a network location that your Keystone container can reach.

Keystone currently supports the following data stores:

Keystone is slated to support the following data stores, in descending order of implementation priority:

  • Azure AD B2C Tenants
  • Redis
  • Microsoft SQL
  • AWS DynamoDB

Supported Authentication Methods

While the SCIM 2.0 protocol itself doesn't define SCIM-specific scheme for authentication, most prominent identity managers allow you to specify a bearer token that they'll use in the Authorization HTTP header in their requests against SCIM 2.0 APIs.

Keystone currently allows you to specify that secret bearer token in two places:

  • In an Azure Key Vault secret.
  • In an environment variable (AUTHENTICATION_SECRET).

Read more on how to configure Keystone to use either authentication methods.